نوارة ارسلت رسالة باسم طفل فلسطينى لاوباما.../ ...Dear Mr. President,.....
Precaution: The Palestinian child doesn't have a specific clear definition for terms like "terrorism" and "peace".
Dear Mr. President,
First I would like to congratulate you for your new post; I guess it is a good but tiring job.I want to apologize for not watching your inaugural ceremony, we have no electricity in Gaza, and moreover, I was busy dragging out the corpses of my family while the ceremony was taking place. I heard it was a hell of a ceremony, I wish I could shared the world its joy, but you know, it was a bit difficult to feel happy in such circumstances.
But I heard you after the ceremony, two days later a neighbour came to us while we were still searching
تابع تفاصيل الرسالة والموضوع ..../
مدونة الحدث ..../ شارك
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